
Out of context: Reply #644

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  • Nairn2

    It's interesting seeing what people are stocking up on during these times of need - I saw a lovely-looking pair of humans shunting along trolleys full of cans, wheezing and gasping and likely dribbling sputum down their ankles as they did. Curious to see what they were, I had a peek - one trolley was full of cans of custard, the other, cans of rice pudding, the fucking fat cunts.

    Otherwise, people seem to be fairly content with the idea of spending three weeks in isolation eating nothing but pot noodles.

    • *smegma, not sputum.Nairn
    • supermarkets could create these panic buys by just removing random products from the shelves overnight.Fax_Benson
    • ^Why?! They profit from stupid peoplegrafician
    • yeah, this is what I was trying to tell my partner last night - the entire supply chain's just got a cash-dollar erection, everyone will be ramping up to sellNairn
    • went to sainsburys and it's hard to compute. with the exception of some fresh veg and bread i got my normal shop. got some more bread flour and yeast...kingsteven
    • some frozen and canned veg (of which there was loads) some long life soya milk... noticed the pot noodles were wiped out, crisps etc.kingsteven
    • then in my local shop it's like nothings happened. bog roll, veg, bread and a full shelf of bombay badboys on offer for £1. there's no logic to it whatsoever.kingsteven
    • Oh yeah - people seem to be utterly blind to locl shops whic hhave full stocks of everything. Supermarkets though? Empty.Nairn
    • To whoever downvoted this - I meant what I wrote literally - one trolley had 18+ cans of rice pudding, the other the same again of custard. That's not a -1.Nairn

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