Climate Change

Out of context: Reply #169

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  • utopian2

    Pittsburgh's high temperature breaks a 130-year-old record

    A typical January day in Pittsburgh means temperatures reach the mid-30s.

    But Saturday's temperatures were a far cry from the usual with the thermometer reaching a sizzling 70 degrees.

    And it wasn't just unusual. The temperature broke a 130-year-old record of 68 degrees set in 1890.

    • no source or based commentary on subject... hmm i think utopian sold outdeathboy
    • actually now seeing the pattern. Shit dude is there money in this shenanigans?deathboy
    • https://wattsupwitht…BustySaintClaire
    • No source? It’s public data you idiot. Go look it up if you don’t believe it. There’s no money in faking temperatures.monospaced
    • meaning that it already happened, not so long ago.ApeRobot
    • mono the statement was presented and your response is go find the data to justify the statement... you do see how retarded that isdeathboy
    • fuckin flying spaghetti monsters, meme gif. knowledge is public go find info to deny it! I need know backing you simps!deathboy
    • hahaha and there is so much money in climate data numbers you little fella. It's a a 1.5 trillion dollar business some put it at.deathboy
    • whats a few grand for paid posts as "influencer" dollars. Curious if there is money in it because i believe the world is gonna end in 12 years to global warmingdeathboy
    • for a price. Im sure some could even try to sell this community of what like 30 ppl as much bigger for influence sells to some corporate peon.deathboy
    • but more than likely hes doing it unpaid, on the virtue signaling feelies it produces.Cheapest type of labor possibledeathboy
    • "World’s largest asset manager BlackRock joins $41 trillion climate-change investing pact"deathboy
    • There's so much money and control in climate change even more so than healthcare. Its as arbitrary as heaven.deathboy
    • there's no money in 'faking' temperatures is different to how much money goes into upgrading our services to be more sustainable in the futureIanbolton
    • lol imagine going round thinking the industry around climate change is the big bad in the world.inteliboy
    • This guy omgmonospaced
    • The temperatures were recorded for hundreds of years. It’s not fake you fucking retard. Going on and on as if someone was profiting of taking temps.monospaced
    • You act as if the data is hidden and therefore the entire basis is not acceptable or real. Dude. It’s temperature. It’s real and available. Dumb fuck.monospaced
    • You just have to type into google and ask for the data. It’s fucking public. Are you really a science denier that you compare it to religion to take it down?monospaced
    • i have looked at the data. im quite sure more than yourself. and i find it quite it like a bad google analytics report. quite limited really.deathboy
    • and there is a difference between fake and relevant in context. Take traffic in google from known spiders or fake shit. Data is real but do you count thosedeathboy
    • metrics. This is where data pays and the lobbying potential pays. If you ignore greed and monetary gains in greenwashing shit you are being ingorantdeathboy
    • as far as data forecasting for a abstract future. Yea the incentive structure is same as religiondeathboy
    • How is it not? Believe and follow in X and in the future you get Y. But if you dont follow or believe X you are doomed to helldeathboy
    • come on. did i give you to much credit for basic reasoning skills?deathboy
    • I thought we all knew if we make things more sustainable it will clean up our game, our future and help us deal with the fact the planet is heating -Ianbolton
    • whether we're causing it or not. My reasoning skills would be much better if I knew what you were on about half the time.Ianbolton

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