Donald Trump

Out of context: Reply #2978

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  • utopian11

    • #POSPresidentelahon
    • President Trump living rent free in your brains.robotron3k
    • Morning robo. Let's break down that very dumb line that is often regurgitated by dummies like yourself. "Living rent free" is not something to boast about.garbage
    • Imagine an old college buddy hits you up out of the blue. "Hey man, Jeanie kicked me out can I crash at yours for a few?" You're like "Sure, why not?".garbage
    • Fast forward to 3 years later: He's not paid rent, he ducks out on any talk of paying bills, things are going missing, and he eats your fucking leftovers.garbage
    • So yeah, real cool to "live rent free". People with brains want him kicked out. Let the people with brains do the thinking.garbage
    • ps God you're so fucking stupid, but I hope you have a nice day. Maybe you stub your toe or something, I dunno.garbage
    • the ex-president who is in jail now will be the next step.neverscared
    • @garbage, I realised a while ago 1. he isn't stupid, 2. he loves triggering libs. 3. he enjoys the absurdity of it all as he identifiedfadein11
    • how rotten the system is to the core.fadein11
    • 4. Trump is a by product of that and he is enjoying the break down of tradition in his wake.fadein11
    • 5. Of course all these points make him a troll. But he certainly isn't daft. Beware of those who play the fool, they rarely are.fadein11
    • 6. arguing on the internet with people you will never change is quite possibly the worst waste of life there is.fadein11
    • 7. I learnt the hard way lol.fadein11
    • nailed it fadein11, he is just a troll and loves trolling around here.capn_ron
    • Oh I'm aware. But there are two options:
      A: He actually believes the stupid things he says, and I have no problem calling him out.
    • B: He's stupid enough to think he's rustling jimmies. It takes about a minute of my day to point out how boring and wrong he is.garbage
    • So if he is trolling, he sucks at it. To use his own words, he's not "living rent free in our brains". I don't suffer fools or bores, and he might be both.garbage
    • Yeah i sounded a bit patronising. Garbage, i'm on your side. I agree with everything you say but Robo aint worth it, he loves itfadein11
    • Oh I didn't take it patronizing at all. I'm just saying he's either dumb for what he believes, or he's dumb for thinking he's occupying headspace.garbage
    • It takes about 30 seconds while finishing breakfast to get him to back out of a thread. Because he's probably dumb, and he's definitely boring.garbage
    • i think fade is the only one listening... and yes garbage, you and utopian and math and never all have Donald Trump squatting in your head for free.robotron3k
    • let's see who's the next to post on the DT thread and make it pop to the top of the list...robotron3k
    • He deserves to be top of the list every day, he's a useless piece of shit. Looking like tings are catching up with him now also.fadein11
    • fade but this is the blowback of the media/libs crying wolf 128 times before, if he really did something "bad" it's gonna fly right by now...robotron3k
    • it's not in anyones favour to impeach really. just like cancelling Brexit over here. but this is on a different level to before, with clear evidence.fadein11
    • which he released! the turd will pay one day.fadein11
    • If you define "caring about, thinking critically about, and realizing the problems with something" as "living in my head for free", then I guess kudos.garbage
    • Have fun being a dipshit. You're boring. I really hope you were lying about your bio about your family. Otherwise they will grow up to loathe you.garbage
    • turdnald trump is on top of the list like shit floats on top of the water .. its natural.neverscared
    • And again, that just took a couple minutes. You're a multiple choice question in which everyone blazes through, because every possible answer is moron.garbage
    • garbage, your username checks out...robotron3k

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