Politically Correct OTD

Out of context: Reply #100

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  • shoes1

    I think fundamentally it's not about the virtue signalling but about classism.

    Like in that you set an oppressor class against a victim class. The virtue signalling is then based on the specific framing.

    Basically marxist classism, but the old framing of capitalist vs. proletarian is extended to other binaries like black vs. white, male vs. female, hetero vs. homo, og lezzies vs. trans, ad infinitum.

    It's basically neo-marxism, the very same primitive approach but with new frontlines. It's amazing that academia in the humanities has failed society so badly for the last 150 years, there's no significant progress at all. They are completely lost beating a dead horse or jerking each other off with meta ethics.

    The amount of funding for the humanities, the amount of work that's being done, what comes out of it is at best banning dodgeball or sending trannies into kindergartens and at worst pure fascism against whoever the oppressor class du jour is.

    I think there's a desperate need of the sociological pendant of what the Theory of General Relativity did for physics, a unifiying concept that produces cohesion not division. Something like what religion used to provide to society, but more universal.

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