
Out of context: Reply #104

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  • utopian2

    Rand Paul stops unanimous passage of 9/11 first responders funding bill.

    Republican Sen. Rand Paul objected Wednesday to an attempt to pass the bill funding 9/11 first responders' health care unanimously, arguing that passing such a long-term bill without offsetting the cost would contribute to the national debt.

    Fuck You Rand Paul...You Repugnant Repulsive Republican POS!

    • Legal murder, American style.zarkonite
    • he should sit in his garage with his car runningimbecile
    • Punches For thread
      disgusting human.
    • Wait *Does real research to find out exact cost. 70 year bill, Ok. Cost for first 10 years, $10.2 Billion or $90+ Billion total. Woah he has a point. Who pays??robotron3k
    • You pay Robo. As a New Yorker you should be happy to do so.ben_
    • Numbers are a bit strange, they have paid out $5 Billion to 21,000, 700 have passed. but 19,000 have not been paid out, so they want $70-90 Billion more??? Hmmmrobotron3k
    • I'm sure at the end the people are getting monies, but smells like a few others are scraping from the pot of gold as well...robotron3k
    • Thanks for the research Robo, it's chump change so they should really vote for it.zarkonite
    • A rounding error compared to how much deficit the republicans have added since they were put in charge!zarkonite
    • This is true, the future is for the future people, spend away!robotron3k
    • The good oldé USA had no problem forking over $2.4 trillion by 2017 for losing wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan.utopian
    • But our American hero's on 9/11 deserve only the best! - The GOP Rally Cryutopian
    • a responsible representative. at the end of the day it will be the middle class most fucked by uncontrollable costs on such a long time line with healthcaredeathboy
    • costs running rampant already due to poor legislation. if anything shows how few ppl represent the ppls interests above their owndeathboy
    • however if NY wants to fund it themselves until 2090 for anyone who possibly gets ill involved so be it. Its really a local issuedeathboy
    • just add on property tax and sales tax to pay for it.deathboy
    • make a statement for the rest of the US and show how much people like to give their money to causes not their own.deathboy
    • 9/11 was not a "local issue."Krassy
    • but really if it was such a big deal and popular why wouldnt NYC fund it themselves? I mean it's not like a bunch of money or anything the city couldn't afford?deathboy
    • haha hell it is a special interest. oh krassy you getting on board with the USA patriotism and flying flags after 9/11 and wanting to storm terrorism?deathboy
    • well there is terrorism on the border and NYC should pay its fair share for a border wall right? The collectivist shit cuts both waysdeathboy
    • Pay for it through an increased federal property or income tax... but that's unfair because those are so much higher than the rest of the country as a percentagdeathboy
    • which is a way to soak the wealthy for causes not their own. why such things should be state leveldeathboy
    • let the lower states increase taxes for a wall and not call on federal funding. see if they still feel so strongly when its not someones elses moneydeathboy
    • This political fed fund slush funds calls for every special interest from state politicians is getting asininedeathboy
    • good thing most politicians are as dumb AF and not trying to trade this more expensive policy with cheaper wall funding. those situations are always win/win fordeathboy
    • them and lose/lose for the people. good thing theyre all self centered focused on self interests and funds for their special interestsdeathboy
    • could always run a go fund me account too and let those who feel so strongly including jon stewart to fund it. just crazy to setup state funding for any medicaldeathboy
    • *fed funding for state level disasters. imagine setting up funds for CA fighter while the gov restricts controls of fire control out of fear of pollutiondeathboy
    • it pretty much incentivizes risk which first responders get a nice coin for in the price already. it boggles the mind its an issue on rational stancedeathboy
    • oh and its not a local issue because people wouldn't support it if it was. that says everything you need to know. the interests and goalsdeathboy
    • being best, the usual republican morbidity..neverscared
    • what the fuck does that even mean never? rationally i know nothing, but what do you think you are saying? a disease to try to be the best?deathboy
    • we can sum up on every motivational poster ever sold that is an unpopular ideadeathboy
    • unless you can clarify the meaning of your statement? and love to see how you tie it to single sided partisanshipdeathboy

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