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Out of context: Reply #1900

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  • imbecile-2

    the word "gotten" and people who use it.

    • in my city this type of alternative grammar is very specific to certain neighbourhoods.Gnash
    • 'I bet him up'
      using 'bet' as the past tense instead of 'beat'
    • i find it very interesting. i'm sure someone has studied it's cultural significanceGnash
    • itsmonospaced
    • I’m guilty of “gotten” despite knowing it isn’t a word. I grew up with it.monospaced
    • Since when is it no longer a word?
      You have gotten be kidding me!
    • it's totally a word. just a terribly lazy one that time should have for... wait for it... gottenimbecile
    • I’m okay with it.monospaced
    • How is it lazy? It's got three more letters than its alternative.

      Golf clap for for...gotten.
    • The Brits don't use it but here, as an alt to got, helps make the distinction between receive, become and have, have to.
      It is a word but go live your truth.
    • i just don't like it. each time someone uses it, i think to myself "you could have phrased that differently"imbecile
    • Gotten is most certainly a word. Depends on the context though. "Ill gotten gains"...BusterBoy

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