
Out of context: Reply #69735

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  • Nairn0

    How would you interpret the following?

    "I appreciate that my questions are probably far too theoretical for your standards"

    This is from someone with whose mother tongue is not English.

    • without any context it sounds a bit like "sorry if i've come across as rude, i haven't meant to"hans_glib
    • of course it could just mean "stop try to be so clever and just cut my stuff, laserboy1"hans_glib
    • I figured it was meant good-naturedly, as it's a first contact with basic questions.
      It just sounds like I should be a touch insulted...
    • "my intellectual advice is useless a minion such as yourself... And don't forget to empty my piss bucket on your way out!"robotron3k
    • ^
      yeah, that's more how I read it..
    • In Canadian English this would be: "Sorry my questions are so theoretical. English is not my native tongue".monNom
    • reply with:shapesalad
    • "I appreciate that my questions are probably far too practical for your theoretical standards."shapesalad
    • *answers* (not questions)shapesalad
    • @monnom - the last line was mine :) makes me wonder though - in what fashion do you mean 'theoretical' in this context?Nairn
    • some words, when translated directly, don't have the same intended meaning as in the original language.Gnash
    • he may have been trying to say that his questions aren't specific enough -- that they are too general in scope.Gnash
    • Like saying, 'Can you make it pop more" instead of, "increase the type's contrast with the background colour"Gnash
    • flol gnash
      My last email to her finished
      "Until then, everything is a bit.. theoretical :)"
    • I should probably stop using smileys in client emails. Although my recent hair cut DOES make me look like a teenage girl.Nairn
    • c'mon, haircut pics!renderedred
    • I hate myself for occasionally throwing in an emoji on a client email, but i'm not a gifted enough wordsmith to do otherwiseGnash

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