
Out of context: Reply #69079

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  • PonyBoy0

    a follow-up to my post yesterday...

    So... the overdraft fees were enough for me to write and send the below to the 'new partner'. Granted, it's a little redundant and emotional but it's fact-based. I had no choice but to involve the other partner that ignored me / told me to pursue w/his new partner as I'm sure the below still won't be enough.

    I swear I've never had a contract or employer cut my pay the day before it was due because they simply felt like it (or forgot about previous arrangements). My gut tells me I'm a bit too emotional right now but given my bank account is overdrawn (I can't even fucking uber over to my doctor appointment today... stupid me forgot to drive my wife to work so I could do that) I 'feel' like not really giving a fuck and just demanding what was / is mine be given to me...

    ... I could be fired today, guys!! wheee!! :P

    "I am currently overdrawn in my bank account. I am getting hit with a number of $35 fees to cover the smallest most minute things. I would not be in this position if you did not dock my pay one day before the end of my agreed to paid vacation. Yesterday you and I had a chance to discuss... I think I was able to show you how I work around the clock and I’m always working and given the way my projects are set up that I am forced to constantly work harder because I am always being asked to put the 'cart before the horse'. I worked the entire trip I was gone for that two weeks. I was Johnny-on-the-spot when someone needed me to be... And of course I also worked on my normal projects.

    What is really frustrating is that you docked me half my pay ONE DAY before I was supposed to get paid... We never discussed any of that (I was under the impression I was on a paid vacation) and now I am in a tough position financially.

    The day you texted me and told me you were going to only pay me half you asked me to give you a call if that was a problem. I needed three hours to think about it and then I gave you a call and asked you to do it in quarters so that I didn’t feel it as hard as I am feeling it now. You told me you could not do it in quarters that you had already put the payment through. You only gave me three hours to think that day... And then you cut my pay half.... I really feel like you kind of screwed me here, (guy who stole my money). Again, I was expecting a full paid vacation. You decided to change that one day before the end of the pay period. Nobody has ever done anything like that to me and I’m still confused given the fact I worked on that entire trip like I always do. I need something to help get me out of this financial hole... Getting paid on the 1st which is tomorrow will barely give me a few dollars as my rent is due on the 1st. I need you and (other partner's name) to help me with these overdraft issues or perhaps just give me my full pay for the last pay period and I will handle the overdraft myself as I deserve that full pay."

    I honestly should demand the full pay AND that he pay my fucking overdraft fees too... anyway... today sucks... hate this shit... carry on. :)

    • ...I really feel like you kind of screwed me here, (guy who stole my money). Again, ...
      this is where it gets unnecessarily emotional, not need for that part.
    • I totally agree with the rest, its clean and dead simple: your work has to get paid.
      good luck
    • ha... yeah.. I know, man. I regret leaving that in there. :/ I've been shaking in anger all morning (after seeing my account)... I usually leave that shit out.PonyBoy
    • I don't think that's OTT - sometimes people don't get it until you spell it out for them.Fax_Benson
    • Agreed this is tough. But you have to take responsibility for your situation also. Blaming others relinquishes your power to them.robthelad
    • Sounds like you've got some bad financial mngmtHayoth

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