Windows More Secure OS X

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  • CyBrainX0

    Ok but I've never had a virus on a Mac in 25 years. Could it be that hackers try to build viruses for Windows, don't bother with Macs and that's why it's safer to be on a Mac? - even if Windows built a safer OS?

    • Yes. 5% market share does not make you a great target.mekk
    • And how do you know you don't have a virus if you don't run a virus check? Every year at the Black Hat conference in Vegas they have contests and talkszarkonite
    • and it's pretty clear Mac has a rich ecosystem of viruses. They look at your traffick, steal your pwds, sell your data, etc.zarkonite
    • for example: https://www.itworld.…zarkonite
    • "Windows client machines have far greater protections within the OS – especially within the heap and stack ..."zarkonite
    • @zark, I've tried several virus scanners on macs over the last 25 years, from home to workplaces. None has ever turned up anything, ever.monospaced
    • additionally, with the unix kernel, it's extremely difficult to install a root level virus without the user knowing ... unless it's just a phishing attackmonospaced
    • ok, but you can't deny the reality that security experts are pretty much unanimous in saying macos is not more secure. There's no fundamental reason it would bezarkonite
    • here's a rootkit for macos: https://www.blackhat…zarkonite
    • sorry, link is too long for notes:…zarkonite
    • A classic virus os something from the early 00's. Attackers nowadays go for places where large amounts of cc data are held or try to fake sites to make you givemekk
    • them some data. This is completely disconnected from the OS. The choice of your OS is not relevant to your security anymore. Use different and hard passwords!mekk

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