
Out of context: Reply #69045

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  • notype3

    You have that 1 piece of article of clothing,...

    whenever you put it on, you feel like you transcend space and time. Soaring about into another nebulae, a-whole-nother dimension; making deals, spinnin' heels, edge of seat attention when you open your mouth, your speech engaging, hearts take shape inside of optic nerves as others second look your way. Total magnetism.

    The world's your oyster in this jean, jacket or shirt...

    I've got this standard button down from a basic mainsteam clothing shop, didn't break bank and the fit is so perfect– I can't figure out how. I've also been working out (clears throat). I want to get 20 more and wear it year round as uniform, or will the "shine" wear off if I wear it every day?

    • Does it make you feel special because all your other shirts are really bad? If so, get some more.Fax_Benson
    • did you write the second paragraph yourself??Krassy
    • Sounds like you just need more clothes.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Do I smell jealousy?notype
    • ya i've got few clothings that maks me feel young. http://weknowmemes.c…pango
    • this feeling combined with the feeling of wearing the perfect attire for the weather is why i spend a good chunk of life (and paycheck) hunting garb!kingsteven
    • also main motivation for not turning in to a fat cunt! Nothing better than a bargain but FFS Daiki Suzuki is a powerful drug.kingsteven
    • had to look him up kingsteven, Suzuki's duds are impressive. lol @pangonotype

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