QBN stickers

Out of context: Reply #56

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    Thanks Sea Sea and Shellie for all your slavery for qbn. We appreciate you.

    • +1

      we all owe it all to both of them
    • I didn't get one fucking sticker this year, but I would have boycotted the slavery anyways so I don't want em
    • you should thank them on all of your accounts to make it officialpockets
    • I only have this account and access to your mothers (that she gave to me)
    • You know that, schizo guy
    • dont get all emo because you didnt get a piece of sticky paper, you are a asshole, you dont deserve onepockets
    • Your mom thinks I'm nice
    • Don't mistaken kindness for of all things, slavery? *side eye gif... If you knew me you would know I enjoy giving back and taking care of my people.sea_sea
    • Don't bring me or shellie into your bs.sea_sea
    • Slaves
    • https://img.clipartx…
    • Cool story slushosea_sea
    • Don't drop yourself into this shitfest, seasea. Its a polluted, revolting turd we have forming here
    • And if you read any of this correctly, in order you would be more enlightened to the shitty truth

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