Signs your getting old?

Out of context: Reply #411

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  • shapesalad2

    I don't care about work.

    When you look at the bigger picture - as a human existing on the planet for a fraction of the overall human history - and you consider your daily work, and what, if any, legacy you may leave behind, it all seems pretty pointless.

    • It probably was brutal working to build the pyramids, but at least their work has had impact on the history of homo sapiens.shapesalad
    • I'd suggest having an impact is as equally fucking meaninglessset
    • Just live, love, be happy and follow your heart and your passions.set
    • I don't care about legacy, but I like working on things. Solving problems, fixing things.section_014
    • Having meaning is meaninglessChimp
    • Do some pushups. You need some endorphins pumping in your brain. Life is good!stoplying
    • First of all, we have no idea who or how they built the god damn pyramids. But I agree on that robotic 9-5 and M-F routine.Maaku
    • Yup pretty much, we’re here for a blink of an eye, do you want to spend it answering to idiots and making sure you arrive before 9:00am every day?_niko
    • And have them tell you when and for how long you can take a vacation? Fuck that noise, do work that makes you happy or not, just enjoy your blink._niko
    • I think we have the technology, know how and the resources to distribute wealth evenly to all you shouldn’t be a slave to drudgery just to survive_niko
    • Ya fuck legacy. Just enjoy the time you have and ding fuck it up for the next generation.pango
    • If you want legacy just go build some weird shit that lasts forever and could potentially make future people go "what the fuck was the purpose of building this?pango

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