
Out of context: Reply #68277

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  • shellie2

    I woke up this morning with the worst allergic reaction to sunscreen I used yesterday. I was up dumb early for a video conference to find my eyes almost completely swollen shut and it looked like I had lip injections. I'll skip the picture posting so i don't get "setted". It's a little better now but it was a hellava day trying to work and recover from that. All the benadryl had my fighting off the Zs and it made me stoney feeling all day.

    I thought I was finally being responsible putting sunscreen on. I can naturally handle the sun pretty well being a POC, but i clearly ive gotta go organic if i use anything from now on I guess.

    • Setted... LOLpango
    • i think i coined a new one. Setted.shellie
    • pics?drgs
    • Need to go gluten free, ultra-veganrobotron3k
    • How ultra is ultra vegan?pango
    • I have to love ultra vegan gluten free or I'm off sick for days. Sign of the times but at least you feel better about yourself!
      Also pictures!!!
    • Oh no, glad you know what it is now. funny you're having an issue with this... i'm having my own w/ sunscreen and it doesn't feel good...notype
    • POC still need sunscreen. i keep forgetting (til recently), i hate the fucking white residue it leaves on me. feel better shellie.notype
    • I think I figured out what caused this. There's some extreme construction happening and my roommates c.f. wire up this morning with the same reactionshellie
    • They're putting in drywall now ripping out old 70s insolation over the weekend. Dat shit is poison and I'm not sensitive to much.shellie
    • ommute while side of her face was like a balloon. Mine has gone away in basically 48 hrs.shellie

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