
Out of context: Reply #68062

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  • autoflavour1

    LOL.. walked dog/puppy to pick up kid from school, walking out was accosted by text soccer mom type "you know you can't bring dogs into school grounds!"

    we have had this conversation with a few different teachers and even the office, and they all said its fine as long as she is on a leash and is going nuts.

    so super confident I throw it back at her, she gets all flustered and asks if its a disability dog (like I'm blind or something)

    I'm like, nup, your just a idiot.

    get home, google it, and of course its prohibited to bring dogs onto school grounds in NSW ..

    am sure this won't be the last I hear of this ..

    • its not like its a pitbull or something, its a fucking Labrador..autoflavour
    • They extended the rule to weekends a couple of years back so lots of markets are now dog free, eg. Glebe. Nanny fucking state.MrT
    • "text soccer mom"??? wtf? LOL... never heard itOBBTKN
    • well, was the dog going nuts or not? it's fine as long as she is...imbecile
    • I think it was textbook soccer mom....?MrT
    • Should have told her, you're not bring the dog into school, the dog is bring you in.shapesalad
    • fuck that. the world has gone mad. kids love dogs. dogs love kids.inteliboy
    • yeah text book.. and doesn't go nuts. too used to being able to edit posts on other platforms.. sloppyautoflavour
    • and yes, office said they have a policy on the school grounds where they actually encourage dogs.. as long as they are chill and on leash ..autoflavour

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