Dad Advice Thread

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • HijoDMaite3

    My 16 year old girl is getting ready to apply to colleges. She has, for years, been set on becoming an elementary school teacher. That is fine and all and I have been careful not to discourage her from this decision but seriously, I think always thought she should reconsider. I was happy to hear that her counselor told her this week that he would hate to see her intelligence go to waste, she has always been a straight "A" student, she is ranked #7 in her class. So the counselor convinced her to be open to other careers and she has done that. I am so happy that he said that because it's difficult for me to convince her without her and my wife making me feel like I am "crushing her dreams". Look, I get it know teaching is great, and we need good teachers and all that, but I am just being a realist here. She can do way better.

    So now she is looking at what she loves and that is Math. She would also like to open up her own business one day, so she is thinking Math major with minor in Business or double major.

    This is what her requirements are up to now:

    work with people
    work in "happy" environment
    different everyday
    not a desk jockey
    has to go to school near Disneyland


    we are still looking at options for majors, schools and careers..

    so, any advice on how to approach the next few months?

    • my parents were/are cunts and drummed so much negativity about my choice into my head I had a break down trying to do what I wanted.mugwart
    • That said I'm a dad now and I know how hard it is to be a parent. So I'll go with honesty. Tell her in a very safe/ non judgemental envormentmugwart
    • one that does not make her feel defensive and explain your fears and why your feeling like this.mugwart
    • Research other ways her brain can be used to "better use". Maybe look into psychiatry for kids etc.mugwart
    • Do you know any teachers? Try and get a serous chat with one of the harsh reality of the life of what ever it is.mugwart
    • My parents destroyed this part of my life and it has fucked me up every day since. I'm not happy within myself and deeply frustrated. Be nice/ honest and Dad.mugwart
    • My 10p!mugwart
    • (sorry many posts) be honest if your emotions of the time as well, be human about it. Say your having problems talking/feeling etc.mugwart
    • At least she doesn't want to become a designer...fooler
    • Teachers get summers and major bank holidays off and can teach into their 60's with a nice pension... name any designer that has it that good.fooler
    • ^ Shit! Our parents WERE right to discourage us!ETM
    • Show her examples of what other jobs look like. Try for internships, university summer schools, take your daughter to work day, etc.monNom
    • I had no interest in graphic design until I got exposed to what a graphic designer actually did. Kids need someone to model on.monNom
    • Start a math school. So she can teach at her own schoolCGN
    • If your daughter is getting straight A’s ....she knows. Maybe she may choose a different path while in school. Trust her yet give her gentle advice.notype
    • My ex-partner, a Bronx HS librarian way back in the day- she was doing very well financially. Comparable to her peers in other areas of HS edu. She loved it.notype
    • In Finland they only employ straight A teachers - they have the best education system in the world. She would make a great teacher, and then do something elseSlashPeckham
    • The "business" degree seems like a waste to me.section_014
    • Have her do a job shadow day as a elem teacher. Spending a whole day with hundreds of those screaming monsters will surely dissuade her, or solidify her passionzombiewoof
    • show her some movies with great female professors or about careers in science...uan
    • Chartered Accountant, Engineering, Investment banker if your after money.eryx

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