New Law - Game Changer for QBN?

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • ayport6

    Legalizing and regulating prostitution is the most logical method to reduce sex trafficing and would make life much safer for prostitutes and for those who choose to make use of those services.

    It's a shame that prohibition seems to be the way Americans look at things, when it only does more harm than good.

    • lol at legalization. it needs to be left a private matter without the involvement of a third party.imbecile
    • Unless its alcohol, guns and pills. Those are ok.ArmandoEstrada
    • protecting sex workers from prosecution is the first step. giving women opportunities to do other things is the next.sarahfailin
    • Wouldn't legalizing it be the same thing as leaving it a private matter?yuekit
    • Sex workers are treated far worse than the customers when cases come to court. A constant cycle of arrest / custody / release does nothing to help the causes...face_melter
    • ...of why people end up in that position, not to mention the damage done to children of the (mostly) women who are prosecuted.face_melter
    • Make no mistake, the vast majority of people who do sex work are there as a last resort and are in desperate situations and they are punished for it.face_melter
    • Decriminalising and legalisation are the only ways to protect this involved.
      Source: I used to work for the Scottish Courts and dealt with cases like this.
    • Also note - cops are complete cunts in these situations.face_melter

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