Rotating product shots

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 3 Responses
  • detritus0

    There are plenty of scripts* to do this with individual images (eg. all angles as separate jpgs), but I'd've thought a less bandwidth intensive way would be to use video.. but I've no clue at all how to address individual video frames via JS. that sort of thing was what Flash was perfect at.

    * eg.… , which you've possibly already come across from your Googling

    • you can scrub through video with JS, https://www.emergein…zarkonite
    • Yeah, that's the kind of thing, thanks. Looks like client has a load of jpeg stills and would like it draggable.Fax_Benson
    • That still runs off jpegs no, Zarkonite? Still, that looks exactly like what Fax is after (input mechanism aside)detritus
    • Someone (Hayzilla) asked for a script here a wee while back that controlled hte output of a div from a slider - that'd probably work.
      — F. All-help
    • Sorry, there was supposed to be a question mark after 'Hayzilla?'detritus

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