recommend tv series

Out of context: Reply #345

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  • nb-3

    I recommend doing something with your lives!

    Make some art! Write your own show! Take a hot bath! Give your partner a massage! Buy some bitcoin! ANYTHING, but not tv.

    *** Sorry for the rant. I quit watching TV a while back and my life has never been better and now I'm like the annoying born-again guy who won't stfu. (...Doesn't mean I'm wrong, tho)

    • Bring on the DVsnb
    • totally agreezarkonite
    • If you live in a city, go sit somewhere and watch people, at least it won't be as mind-numbingly formulaic as tv shows are these days.nb
    • If you live in the country go look at the sky or some birds or something.nb
    • you could also be balanced about it... make time for all the things you just described while making time for media art (films / series)...some of it is worth itPonyBoy
    • You sound like your single.
      Possibly also a virgin.
      Possibly also homeless.
    • Certainly not a middle aged married man with young kids. Thats for sure.Hayzilla
    • Hey, I make my living working in film and tv. Please dont stop watching!!!!FawnDog
    • Hey, this is one of those things that can be fine in moderation. No need to go full abstinence. Just cut out the prime time networks and you're probably fine.CyBrainX

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