Star Wars Episode VIII

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  • inteliboy0

    A lot to soak in. I really liked it... I think... Though this is Star Wars... so expectations are high.

    There are some incredible moments and imagery here. People in the cinema were gasping an certain moments. But there's some really odd and bad shit in there.


    okay nerding out here but my major gripe....

    Luke's ending. Incredibly made. Though did they really need to kill him off? Because he's old? I want to see a trilogy with old man Luke. Or at least more screen time with the guy. Arguably one of the greats in american cinema, with decades of fans waiting for his return.... and we get ONE film with Luke Skywalker.... One film amongst an incoming wave of countless other Star Wars movies.

    What a fucking waste. It seems almost moronic to me. There's now no Han, no Leia (sadly), no Luke. What kind of fuck up hole have Disney dug themselves into...

    It's disappointing, as I thought Rian Johnson would understand that. A grizzled down-and-out samurai as the hero makes for a fucking awesome work of cinema. Those old Kurosawa era classics were rarely about a bunch of twenty somethings. There was so much potential here to keep Luke around as a key role...

    • Don't forget, Luke got most of his training from a ghosted Obi Wan Kenobi. Expect to see him and Yoda again.CyBrainX
    • but he had some trailing. Rai cut an ancient rock in half with no training.mugwart
    • True he'll be back, but as a cameo. The more I think about it the more it bugs me. That classic trilogy with those characters you loved? That's it. The end.inteliboy
    • I completely agree. I wanted an entire trilogy of Master Jedi Skywalker badassery.
      We got 2-3 minutes of it. Awesome movie otherwise.
    • I'm putting money on more than a cameo from Luke in the next movie.CyBrainX

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