
Out of context: Reply #28591

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  • robotron3k-11

    Ewwww the EU President Junker is putting his foot in UKs arse and is not going to let Brexit happen and has stomped on Catalonia... but they are fighting back.

    As tensions escalate in Spain, Catalan Separatists are potentially about to do some real damage and hit Madrid where it really hurts.

    In a tweeted message to their 270,000 followers, Assemblea Nacional urged supporters to pull cash from CaixaBank and Banco Sabadell branches between 8 am and 9am Friday to protest at their decision to shift their legal domiciles out of the region...

    #BREAKING Civil society groups in Catalonia call for mass withdrawal of money from ATMs tomorrow at 8am to pressure Spanish government

    — Catalan News (@catalannews) October 19, 2017

    Demà, prioritàriament de 8 a 9 h, ves a un dels 5 principals bancs i retira la quantitat que vulguis en efectiu. Són els teus diners! pic.twitter.com/TqQUESFOZJ

    — Assemblea Nacional (@assemblea) October 19, 2017



    • He's not going to let Brexit happen or it's just a clusterfuck because it was always going to be one?yuekit
    • Juncker is on his way out. He's irrelevant, which is why he's always mouthing off. He's like an EU Farage. Not sure what he's got to do with the Catalan issueFax_Benson
    • but I'm guessing neither are youFax_Benson

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