AI (Animation & Illustrator) Help

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 19 Responses
  • CyBrainX1

    Well, you're probably beyond this point by now, but it's mostly a matter of separating layers.…

    Also, you will have to reset your type in AE if you want it editable. For some reason you can't convert those text layers in AE like you can with Photoshop layers. You can also right-click on any of your Illustrator layers in AE and convert them to shape layers if you want. That way you can edit paths.

    • Also, what are you going to do with this animation? If you're fine with straight video, I wouldn't consider any other option than After Effects.CyBrainX
    • hey! i saw a great tutorial vid about converting things to shapes but i don't think that for a weblayout it would make so much sense, maybe i'm wrong.oey
    • separating layers was the first thing I learned ;)oey
    • I'm gonna use these animations to show the client how the web page nav should look like, from one menu to the other, from one page to the next, etc...oey
    • what happens when the mouse hovers, when i click something, the dynamic of the page, scrolling, etc...oey
    • these animations can be used by the developer to use as guidelines to program the website according to my design and clients wishes.oey
    • as i never did this before i have to confess that my use of words to explain things might not be the most correct one.oey
    • No, I completely get it. It's an animated demo for developers. They'll probably piss their pants you went all out for them. Imagine what they usually get.CyBrainX
    • hahaha!oey

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