Star Trek: Discovery

Out of context: Reply #47

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  • detritus1

    I much prefer this slightly harder, adult-oriented style of Trek — as much a fan as I've been since TNG, I've always felt ST a little limp, safe and early-evening centric. Indeed, the very first time I saw Encounter at Farpoint, on VHS (!), I thought it was terribly safe and cloistered, even as a kid.

    Best thing is - none of that insipid happydappy colourful West Coast-themed 90s crap...

    Fuck you, Neelix.

    • ha. we defo agree on all of this :)fadein11
    • Shittiest character ever.dopepope
    • Give me Neelix over Quark or any member of his brood any day.Continuity
    • No, I'm going through DS9 at the moment (all others finished, finally!) and without a doubt, Neelix is the worstestest.detritus
    • I know one character out of all the Trek series who is worse than Neelix:

      Harry Fucking Kim.
    • yeah... but Jeri Ryan...PonyBoy
    • ... she used to assimilate me in the shower before schoolPonyBoy
    • Left little nanoprobes all over the shower pan, huh?ETM
    • Resistance to my left hand was futilePonyBoy
    • Hahahadetritus
    • Hahahaha!Continuity
    • The only thing worse than Neelix was Tuvix.i_monk
    • Why? Didn't he have a right to live?!?ETM
    • Shit Tuvix was so bad. Even how their fucking uniforms blended. Seriously?ETM
    • Like what the actual fuck?
    • How does completely forgettable Harry Kim get mentioned in this discussion before WESLEY CRUSHER????CyBrainX
    • But, yeah, Neelix is just about as bad. He's painful.CyBrainX
    • Season 1 and 2 Wesley Crusher was insufferable, I agree. After that, I totally didn't mind him.Continuity

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