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Out of context: Reply #68

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  • elahon6

    I don't post here too often, but here goes. Living on the coast of Maine. I turned 40 this year and we've got a shit-load of debt, and I feel like I'm drowning, paycheck to paycheck to paycheck. If we didn't have the debt, we'd be fine.

    We tested our 9 year old son for learning issues this year as he's falling behind in reading in his classes. He's really good with math, just struggling with reading. They diagnosed him with ADHD and dyslexia. So we're working through that without medication, but with a tutor, yoga and mindful breathing, which has been actually been helping me with my anxiety about everything too. And it's helping him realize when he gets hyper or distracted and he uses breathing to bring himself back down again.

    I sit in a fucking chair all day at my job, so I'm massively overweight, I weigh about 320, but I started going to the gym a couple of months ago and I'm seeing some changes, so that's making me feel better about things too. Plus my wife started eating vegetarian a year or so ago, so, to quote Jules Winnfield, which pretty much makes me a vegetarian, too. I have a long ways to go, but I'm committed to getting healthy.

    But, I'm alive, I have my eyesight and hearing, no problems in the boner department, we live in a beautiful state a stone's throw from the ocean and near places where we can go hiking and lose ourselves in the world. So there are things to be thankful for.

    • A little help on the debt area that I found. Listen to the Dave Ramsey Show podcast and read his book The Total Money Makeover. I am working my way out of debtcapn_ron
    • using his plan and it is making me feel a shit ton better about my finances. Like night and day.capn_ron
    • Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. Is his plan where you pay down one with the least amount and take that money and apply it to the next one, etc. etc.?elahon
    • it totally is. But first you save a small $1000 emergency fund. Then hammer at the debt while on a very tight budget.capn_ron
    • Thanks, man!elahon

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