UK Elections

Out of context: Reply #105

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  • Fax_Benson1

    May is so far out of her depth it's scary. Like national crisis scary. What a mess we are in.

    • +1 yup, total fucking messdetritus
    • What's most horrifying to me is the laughing that must be going on over in France and Germany. Hesus Kristo.detritus
    • Brexit talks next week.Fax_Benson
    • ha, you got there firstFax_Benson
    • er.. not about The Tower per se, I just mean the whole shitshangles we've put ourselves in.detritus
    • Honestly, as much as it pains me (and unpossible as it is) I'd rather we crawl back into the EU and shut up for a decade.detritus
    • ...then from 2027 get back to destroying it from the inside.detritus
    • we've bollocksed that too. the best way to change / break it from the inside was to threaten to fuck off. we can't even fuck off properly.Fax_Benson
    • we should have pushed for reform while in it. but let's face it we already had the best deal of any country in it at the timefadein11
    • No, the best way to make the EU as It Should Be would be to ally with Poland and none-mediterranean/F... states to allow for tierism across the board.detritus
    • grr...
      "none-mediterranean/ French/ German"
    • And, actually, I think Mediterranean states would consider 'tier-ism'. The EU shiould modularise and consolidate around issues, not absolutes.detritus
    • Because otherwise its a vehicle for German exports, French agricultural subsidies (at the expense of African development) and the rape of the south.detritus
    • But now we're not at the f'ing table.detritus
    • missed your comment, f - yes, we had the best deal. we were almost the best-suited deal makers (through circumstance and projection, not competence). but now?detritus
    • I'd quite like a mass-consensus opposition to the incumbency, for the fractious Cons. bullshit to implode and we somehow go back to the EUdetritus
    • ..but, UNLIKE ALL THE EU STATES WHIO HAD THEIR REFERENDAE overturned, we have a populist projecting positively. And then, change from the inside.detritus
    • Actual democracy, not bullshit idealist projectiondetritus
    • I may be drunk.detritus
    • Well, tiddly.detritus
    • But seriously, fuck the EU.detritus

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