UK Elections

Out of context: Reply #100

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  • Fax_Benson0

    The problem with the left (hard or otherwise) is that the end always justify the means. The left believes it is inherently good (and generally I'd agree) but that makes it unable to reflect. The cause is righteous and therefore opponents become symbols of bad. Once you're unable to accept that people with different views can be good people, you're able to justify all manner of shitty behaviour. Have a proper look at the bubble that surrounds Corbyn. Novara, SWP, The Canary, elements of Momentum. Try challenging them and see how kind and inclusive they are in return. Look at what happened to Angela Eagle. Look at what happened to women MPs who challenged him. And Jewish MPs. Of course, it has nothing to with Corbyn. It's just a few nutters.

    It's this righteous attitude that leads to them seeing societal collapse and financial meltdown and simmering class tensions as things to be exploited. Don't worry, socialism will sort it in the end. They say it in the examples I posted. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity. That's fucked up. Seriously.

    It happened with austerity. They used the unions to approve certain cuts so that they could exploit the consequences. Labour academics who pushed for cross-party consensus to mitigate the worst of the cuts (which people were voting for) were shunned and then attacked online. Consensus doesn't fit. Creating the necessary conditions for a socialist uprising fits. That's their game.

    • Dunno, you can just disagree with people on single subjects on a web forum and BLAM you're polarised into being a fascist. Dissent's not the left's strong pointdetritus
    • @det - I disagreed with him and we had a discussion. Noone called anyone a fascistfadein11
    • Or dislike Trump and get "that's the problem with liberals like you" blah blahfadein11
    • haha, and what on Earth made you presume I was talking about you and fax here, fadein? Guilt complex?detritus
    • I see it all the time here, and other places - most vocal 'liberals' are anything but when views don't wholly adhere to theirs.detritus
    • ...which is the sad reason fruitsalad's point above is impossible - because it negates the reconciliation of competing strategies within a single consensus.detritus
    • guilt free and clear conscience - how about you? tricky to work out where you sit? fancy explaining as you also seem to dislike the left, liberals etc. What dofadein11
    • you consider yourself? genuinely interested. You voted Brexit but live with an EU national (I think this is correct but may be wrong) and may have to leave UK?fadein11
    • I agree on the righteousness point.Chimp
    • I would like to understand your position on things better, if you want to. No pressure obviously :)fadein11
    • you are a wally - for the nth time, I DID NOT VOTE BREXIT. What's the point in conversing if you don't ever listen?detritus
    • wally lol. sorry I genuinely thought you voted brexit! I do feel like a wally now - have wondered why you would in your situ. but pls expland furtherfadein11
    • "most vocal 'liberals' are anything but when views don't wholly adhere to theirs." - pls expand on this and what you consider yourself if not progressive.fadein11
    • That's my prob - my politics don't neatly fit Tory or Labour, so I default to LibDems who I utterly loathe and who have policies I *massively* disagree withdetritus
    • Since my twenties I've joked with people [who don't take things literally] that I'm a 'Liberal fascist' or a 'Fascist liberal' depending upon my mood.detritus
    • Also, i hate the term 'progressive', because it comes pre-packed, sealed and closed to questioning. Someone used it here in reference to something I disagree ..detritus
    • Fair enough. Yep - that makes sense to a degree.fadein11
    • ..with and my overriding thought was 'how on Earth do you know your thoughts on this matter aren't actually regressive?'detritus
    • I know it's not aways a great term because nothing is black and white. But it works for my worldview most of the time. Not others obviously. But I am a wally :)fadein11
    • yeah, i getcha - I guess I rail against liberals more than conservatives because you know exactly where you are with people on the right.detritus
    • yep true dat. I would classify myself in a perpetual state of bemusement and confusion with a desire for a fairer, happier world. a snowflake basically lol.fadein11
    • but being called a wally has made my day - haven't heard that word since the 80's - I will be reusing it at the first opportunity.fadein11
    • :)detritus

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