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Out of context: Reply #2788

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  • set7

    Here's one of 13 million recently declassified CIA documents, this one regarding a remote viewing exercise from 1984. The remote viewer was asked to view certain co-ordinates on mars, which happen to be the area we now know as Cydonia - with the alleged group of pyramids, circa 1million years BC...

    Pretty interesting -…

    • "using the information within the envelope" so did the remote viewer know it was mars? 1mil BC? hopefully not, because then that shit is mind blowing.inteliboy
    • got any more? fascinatedinteliboy
    • The sealed envelope is given to the remote viewer but not opened until after the session..set
    • that is some interesting stufffadein11
    • Pyramids?monospaced
    • Curious how the person being questioned is so intimate with the polar coordinate system applied to Mars. It is for the most part arbitrary.monospaced
    • Remote viewing is the practice of seeing in the minds eye images based on the intent of the target. If you're open to that possibility then the numerical...set
    • co-ordinates are irrelevant. It's the intent of the person providing them that guides the viewer..set
    • Evidently the CIA were very much open to that possibility.set
    • how come these remote viewers are not millionaires, if you could see remote stuff, you'd figure out: A) how to get rich, B) who your wife is cheating with.fruitsalad
    • rather than coordinates on mars. what use is that!fruitsalad
    • Project Star Gate.fadein11
    • The intent was to view the area on mars with what looks like remains of ancient pyramids, and the viewer saw a dusty ochre coloured environment with pyramids...set
    • These are official CIA documents.set
    • good point, setmonospaced
    • Pretty interesting whichever side of the belief fence you sit on.set
    • From 1972 - to its disclosure in 1995 the American Intelligence and military machines used and expanded forms of ESP or psychic functioning for intelligencefadein11
    • gathering purposes. This mainly settled on a form of PSI functioning known as remote viewing.fadein11
    • i want to believe.ApeRobot
    • I think the original experiments involved the dark side of the moon also - I presume they will be in those docs somewhere.fadein11
    • America started to take this research v.seriously because the USSR was way ahead in the field - loads of stuff on net about their programs also.fadein11
    • I've seen so many versions of how these remote viewing techniques can be compromised and gamed, so I am of course extremely skeptical.monospaced
    • Yeah they just have to have glanced at a strategically placed poster of mars or something mars related on the way in to influence their thoughts_niko
    • Or if have any clue as to what it was about at all. So much margin for human error and intervention to allow it, as is usually the case when these are debunked.monospaced
    • I'm not making an official call on this remote viewing being supernatural, I just don't really think there are million year old pyramids standing on Mars.monospaced
    • We know you don't....

    • What's most impressive is the viewer's ability to interpret cartesian coordinates on a then-largely unmapped body across a million years of space time.detritus
    • Apparently the coordinate system are irrelevant to remote viewing.

      set, you believe there are ancient pyramids on the martian surface?
    • I believe it's highly likely, yes.set
    • lolscarabin
    • there's literally nothing in this report to indicate the experiment was successfulscarabin
    • Hilarious, I'm sure.set
    • What does that even mean, Scarabin...? Clearly you're totally missing the point.set
    • The only points here are that 1. the CIA were/are using remote viewing. 2. were interested in Cydonia 1 million years agoset
    • 3. that remote viewing clearly works in as much as the RVer was able to view something that sounds just like the intended target, without being told the target.set
    • If your poor little mind can only ridicule and insta-deny without acknowledging the interesting facts attached to it, then I really do feel for you.set
    • right, there's the attack i mentioned invariably comes up when anybody doesn't share your viewscarabin
    • you're hanging the whole "similarity" thing on the word "okra" which is said after "yellow" and btw is green but whatevsscarabin
    • we have not discovered any pyramids on marsscarabin
    • fascinatingkona
    • If someone comes in, simply laughs at it as if they have fucking clue in the world what the reality of it is, then says...set
    • 'there's nothing to indicate it was successful' which shows you've totally missed the point, then I'm going to call you a fucking idiot, sure.set
    • no, that's called critical thinkingscarabin
    • Pompous ignorance and ridicule, rather than intelligently discussing the interesting reality of the CIA investigating this stuff is embarrassing behaviour.set
    • You can convince yourself otherwise all you like.set
    • is it an interesting experiment? sure. if that's your point, cool. is there any evidence it was successful? no.scarabin
    • Not once has anyone here suggested there is proof that there are ancient pyramids on mars built by tall humans. That isn't the point.set
    • How did I know this would happen?
    • then we're on the same page. calm your titsscarabin
    • My tits are perfectly calm and firmset
    • *honks one just to be sure*scarabin
    • Nice, I remember traveling to a planet with pyramids while on shrooms once. It was a rad visual. x)sea_sea
    • 'okra' was likely mistranscribed, he surely said 'ochre'Gnash
    • Indeedset
    • finally the CIA LSD experiment results were releasedmoldero
    • You're incapable of doing it or understanding it so you must try and rationalise it using your limited knowledge. I guess that's fair enough, right...set
    • who are you talking to?scarabin
    • the notes in this post read almost as amazing as the actual CIA notes. You guys are pretty amazing! I'd like to trip with you all at some point.capn_ron

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