going vegetarian?

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  • oey1

    I'm vegetarian.
    I stopped eating meat 20 years ago.
    Initially I was vegetarian but after the second year I started to eat fish.
    I stopped eating fish again three and a half years ago.
    I eat cheese and one to two eggs a week.
    I don't eat yogurt or drink milk unless it's in a cake or something like that.
    I rarely eat honey but will start to do it more often.

    Everything's fine.
    Don't have B12 problems cause I eat eggs and cheese.

    When I cook it's mainly vegan and except for Pizza I try to go vegan as much I can.

    I eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Bio.
    I did that already but since seven years ago I started eating raw veggies.

    Now I eat even more cause I'm working on Saturday's selling Bio Veggies and Fruits in a vending stand in a local market.

    In winter I make lots of soup...one every two days...I live with 5 more :)

    Salads as much I can.

    Was always fit and did lots of test recently cause I turned 40 and in Germany I can do lots of stuff for free every two years.

    I don't have the same energy from two years ago.
    But that's cause I changed my clock drastically two years ago and haven't been able to do so much sport like when I was in Amsterdam...basically some runs and Wing Tsun.

    Go for it Fab! It's not difficult and it's delicious!
    And it's good for you and for so many things.


    When you cook just try to avoid certain soya stuff, where do they grow, bio, fair trade, no gene bullshit, etc...


    Abraço rapa! Saudade!

    • Thank you so much Oey! Obrigado rapá :)
      It is more of a moral decision, and also global climate, etc... but honestly, im started to get disgusted with meat...
    • Also saw a documentary called Earthlings... and I still cant remove those images from my head. I now see all sorts of meat with different eyes :(Fabricio
    • ;)

      For me was having to help my parents with the pig, rabbits and chickens. All the way. Then I heard Meat is Murder and here I am.
    • Every year that passed, every article i read about animal rights, about nutrition, about climate...was always sure about my decision.oey
    • I don't preach, I don't feel morally superior...I just do it cause it's what I believe, I feel fit and healthy and I love it.oey
    • Yes, i remember man, you never preached :)Fabricio
    • I don't judge others and in the last three years i cooked fish and octopus for my friends like 5 or six times. And I didn't eat.oey
    • It doesn't bother me to handle fish do much. I do it once in a while for certain reasons. I don't touch meat at all and prefer to have separate cooking utensilsoey
    • right now I just need to find good replacements, protein wise. I know beans are good, just need to find more stuff...Fabricio
    • no chemicals, GMOs, pesticides or hebacides ?utopian
    • only when i go to parties and there's no other drugs.oey

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