
Out of context: Reply #23581

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  • vero_vandal-5

    Well put George, well put.

    • and shortly the GOP, who govern only in the interests of the very few, are looking to rip away basic protections from the neediest...BuddhaHat
    • ... which includes a lot of their own voting base, who are sadly too stupid and spiteful to realise they're fucking themselves and everyone else.BuddhaHat
    • that's absolutely their right as the party in power. it also happens to make them greedy, horrible bastards, and gigantic cunts.BuddhaHat
    • thank the Rust Belt Democrats. Michael Moore knew it. A big "FU" from voters. http://www.businessi…vero_vandal
    • ^ http://www.businessi…vero_vandal
    • I'm not disputing the reasoning or who voted, I saw the Michael Moore flick. I'm just describing the consequences of the actions, which the 'Rust Belt Dems'...BuddhaHat
    • who also voted Trump can't see that they were duped at each and every turn.BuddhaHat
    • Trump Voters = Dumb as fuckmoldero
    • ^ that's exactly the attitude that got him elected, actually. *sighvero_vandal
    • the classic GOP didn't, but is now forced to like Trump. say what you want about it, he's telling both sides to fuck off.vero_vandal
    • it's also this attitude that made the election so close, and not an easy win, and it's why his transition isn't looking so smoothmonospaced
    • he cannot shut his mouth, otherwise the transition would be much smoother. he acts like a 3rd grader at times.vero_vandal
    • that is true, and that fuels the attitude as well, because it seems like only a 3rd grader could have voted for himmonospaced
    • yuri_ von_ cum_ cloth_ drakeutopian
    • ^ lol.fadein11
    • I mean, when the elect is tweeting like a butthurt 3rd grader and "telling both sides to fuck off," it makes his supporters look stupid for voting for him.monospaced
    • ^ there is definitely some truth in that. voter remorse is a funny thing, but the proof is in the pudding. if he helps the economy, most could care less of it.vero_vandal
    • and whether it's him or just the cyclical nature of economies rising and falling (with him taking credit). perception is reality in this country.vero_vandal
    • there's also that "politically correct" crap, that most of his voters cannot stand. unrealistic rubbishvero_vandal
    • that's the real issue. very few voted for his policies - how could they? There aren't any. This is an anti PC, anti-liberal protest.Fax_Benson
    • Other than obamacare, Trump fans here don't discuss policy. The issues are BLM, abortion, gender, feminism, white disenfranchisement...Fax_Benson
    • .. a temporary roadblock on the deep state highway. A few genuinely think he's an economic saviour. Most see him as a vehicle for something else.Fax_Benson
    • Thing that kills me about all this is our economy is fine. Coal, steel are the past, manufacturing will come back for things like solar and electronics...allthethings
    • What's messed up is that wages haven't risen. The only thing I agree with Trump on the economy is infrastructure. Obama wanted more of it as the stimulus, whichallthethings
    • was the right call. GOP don't want that...they want taxes and regs cut for super-rich people. You can say Trump is telling both to fuck off, but he will signallthethings
    • off on all the things the GOP cares about. False equivalency to say he's an equal opportunity bomb thrower.allthethings
    • that might be the case, but the rhetoric is what got him in, I mean the hatred from Romney, Bushes, former Conservatives, etc. was real. LMFAO!vero_vandal
    • they ALL voted for fucking Hillary! WTFvero_vandal
    • they were voting for a more qualified candidate who didn't have a decades long history of acting like a 3rd gradermonospaced
    • ...all fancy words, but I blame the Dems. Occams Razor ya'll.robotron3k
    • please, robo, you know the only reason you voted for Trump is because he wasn't a woman and you know itmonospaced

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