Switching to WIndows

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  • fruitsalad-4

    windows / mac... either way it's a race to bottom. Craft and time well spent using your hands to create works of art/design, it's all being lost to stock libraries, advances in computer graphics and plugins. Automation. Algorithms.

    It's only a matter of time before 3D graphics will be produced in realtime, no need to render. A matter of time before photoshop and illustrator are so full of plugins, effects and stock library shit that you won't need to create anything from scratch, it'll be collage at best, requiring no skills...

    it's time for a revolution. A call to arms. I say we all go to work on Monday with pencils in hand, pens at the ready, brushes fully loaded and tell our Creative Directors and Account handlers that those digital adverts won't be produced no more. Those flashy motion videos... permanently on paused. That website and iPhone app ain't being uploaded. It's straight back to the 1920s and art deco, to the renaissance and the Neoclassical... It's time to be respected, to work with our hands and not 'mice'. We'll be smelt before we're heard as we march with the scent of marker pens and paints thinner.

    The Pyramids weren't designed on a Mac. The Coliseum wasn't designed on a PC, Machu picchu wasn't planned in Autocad. The Mona Lisa wasn't photoshopped. David wasn't sculpted in Zbrush and Andy Warhol didn't use illustrator.

    • Oh ya dying penniless and of lead poisoning sounds great. STRIKEdorkKn1ght
    • I'm all for burning shit to the ground, but i'm fine the now, thanks - I actually want realtime 3D to match renders. Saves me waiting 8+ hours for a still.face_melter
    • I hear you.
      Might sound ironic but I'm writing software to try and allow writers to be 'creative' in the traditional sense. Everything feels so sterile.
    • True, I've been dumping handmade collage I made *in high school* on Elllo and folks are eating it up because it stands out against all the digital things.evilpeacock
    • That was a great speech even though I still love my Adobe and C4D.CyBrainX
    • There's a company making logos with an algorithm...it's well funded and costs $49/logo...progress, I guessformed
    • orthodox.sted

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