Quit Smoking

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  • rabbit0

    I quit smoking on the 21st September 2016 (also happens to be my Dads 75th birthday).

    This will be the second serious attempt at quitting, my previous attempt was 2 years. I got cocky at xmas, and this beautiful latina girl I was seeing offered me one after a toll in the hay. I was a few drinks in, so thought 'fuck it, one won't hurt!'


    That one cigarette put me on course to a solid pack a day for the next 1yr + 9mths. Was in love again.

    Things were getting out of hand, and I was really sick of spending $30 for a pack, running out of breath, and smelling like an ashtray. So, when I got sick a couple of days ago, I used it as a good excuse to stop smoking. Have not had one drag, and I am loving the smell of the ocean, ice cream, fresh AIR.

    Brushing my teeth everyday and having a fresh breath is like heaven. I really don't miss them at all. I actually really WANT to quit, and there is just too much good outweighing them.

    I love being able to taste, smell, not stink like an ashtray, not slave over cigs and have to hide in corners to smoke (can't smoke anywhere here).

    Now I am a non smoker, I can smell my smokey car (even with leather interior), i can smell my smokey house. I can't wait for the smell to be (mostly) gone, if not all of it. It should all mostly go away eventually.

    I look forward to being a non-smoker and increased health benefits, and all of the other things that come with being a non-smoker.

    I went and bought myself a new leather belt for $60 with the money I saved this week. It felt awesome to reward myself with something nice at the end of my first week not smoking.

    I can say, this time I really want to quit so much, it really is no contest. I am so over the cigs, really they have no chance.

    I hope I can inspire someone. Also, don't forget, nicotine is only in your body for 72hrs. Those first <5 days are the hardest. I would even say first <3 days. After that, its not nicotine, its just brainwash stuff.

    Good luck to anyone quitting.

    • uhh, roll. LOL.rabbit
    • cold turkey. the only way.rabbit
    • nice post. I'm about to do the same for a 2nd time too. V similar story to mine - except for the beautiful latina temptress.Fax_Benson
    • We can be quitting brothers lol. Good luck man! Use this thread to vent if you need to! I'll support you.rabbit
    • nice. been almost 3 years for me now. cold turkey.Gnash
    • although I wouldn't call myself a non-smoker -- I just don't smoke. Still like the smell when a smoker passes me.Gnash
    • same happened to me, you take one drag and you are back in it sooner or later. Stay away from that drag and you will be able to do itMiguex

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