apple powerbook

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  • one2meny0

    xrusos is an avid on the go person and the 17" is no problem for him. I myself don't have a problem with the weight as I'm usually hauling a book with my laptop anyway, so my 14" iBook immediately becomes a 17" Aluminum. The big question though is how are you hauling it? If you are doing a lot of the hauling in a car, then no biggie, if it's on your back all day it makes a difference. So, let's assume it's on your back all the time, then the question is, what kind of work will be done on it?

    If you are going to be doing lots of design on the laptop, go with 17" because you'll be able to have your pallettes on screen all the time. If it's just a toy, for e-mail, word processing, and the occasional photoshop work, get the 12".

    My two cents, hope they're worth it.

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