
Out of context: Reply #63723

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  • pockets0

    have a site i made for a client...6 months ago.

    client says the site looks great (located on my dev server)

    client says he wants to add products before going live...

    I wait 3 months, no reply, no nothing.. multiple followups sent to him

    find out the graphic designer that works for this client (he was importing products) has quit and moved to vegas..

    talk to the graphic designer and hear that my client has decided to hire a developer to login to the site ive created and clone it using plugins like duplicator...without paying final payment..

    client has paid 50%.. sites been done for ages, but sits on my server not live because of lack of payment..

    so hes trying to steal my work over paying final payment?

    what the fuck??

    site ~ deleted ~ zipped and archived..

    so now what.. consider it a loss?

    what kind of fucking client tries to do this?

    • Send him a friendly reminder to see his response.pango
    • And report back.pango
    • Herepango
    • Is it really cheaper to hire someone else instead of paying what's left?Maaku
    • o_Ooey
    • If he wants the site, tell the fucker to pay what's owed. If not, you have the 50%, the work itself and he gets fuck all.face_melter
    • delete file, fuck himmaquito
    • can you say that some sucker tried to suck it with sitesucker and that it sucked the stuff away?oey
    • tell him you and Heisenberg are pen friends.sureshot
    • LOLoey
    • @FaceMelt @mauito
      I think the client made a copy of the site already.
    • if a client doesn't pay, there are many ways he or she can work off the debt before resorting to violence or torture.omg
    • you can always repost the site under a similar url and offer his products at a discount rate! He'd love that and get plenty of customer calls!!!robotron3k
    • oeyo_O
    • Contract? That protects you. So do small business laws.Hayoth
    • pockets pockets.. you know this is the first thought to pop! in my head ›››…
      yep.. only you have teh power!!
    • Sue the shit out of him, the Vegas way.Bennn
    • Find the new dev and tell him to expect to hear from your lawyer.i_monk
    • ^ not a bad idea.pango
    • he copied my site, told me hes hiring someone.. i told him my lawyer will be in touch.. going to walk away from it and have a friend hack the shit out itpockets

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