
Out of context: Reply #203

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  • Fax_Benson7

    For Hayoth and others who don't live under they tyranny of the EU but think they know all about it.

    The EU is not wholly unelected. Proposals made by the EU Commission have to be approved by the democratically elected MEPs. Members of the Commission are chosen by democratically elected member state governments. I'm not saying that's a perfect system but it's far from how you perceive it.

    The idea that the UK's laws are dictated to them by Europe is a myth. Have a look at the UK government's policy initiatives since the last general election and tell me that there we in thrall to a socialist dictator. The fact that we just held a referendum and voted to leave should give you a bit of a clue as to how strong the EU's iron grip is.

    The idea that a European Superstate is inevitable is a myth. There isn't the political will for it to happen across Europe. The rise of right and far-right groups means the opposite is the case.

    There are many things wrong with the EU. It is overly bureaucratic and and un-transparent. The Euro isn't working for the countries of southern Europe. It has huge, existential problems but it is a reality, and simply saying that it would be better if it didn't exist isn't going to get us very far.

    Ultimately, it will need to reform or it will die. It might not have survived another recession. We may have just triggered that recession. If the EU is going to fail without causing a global financial crisis and political turmoil across Europe, it needs to be allowed to manage that death slowly and peacefully.

    The UK and the EU are inextricably linked - whatever the UK's position in it. To think that pulling out like this will protect us from Europe's problems is insane. We've just exacerbated them and ours, with no plan and no thought as to how this affects Scotland, Northern Ireland, the rest of Europe, our own citizens, or anyone else, in the name of reclaiming a sovereignty we already had.

    • Well saidRanger
    • Barring the hysterics of the Remain supporters, this is the slow and peaceful death of the EU.IRNlun6
    • Its turned into a basket case if you look at from economics. holding back progress in how its run, functions. its going down, it wont last but before it goes ityurimon
    • going to burn through alot of productivity and money.yurimon
    • I think it's worth trying to reform but we have no say in that or anything else nowFax_Benson
    • < this 100%. very well put.fadein11
    • yurimon - read this post here and make this your goal in internet etiquette / knowledge. This is how it is done.fadein11

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