Graphic Design of tomorrow

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • PonyBoy3

    Animation isn't going anywhere... have you thought about combining your illustration / design / photography into motion?(you can easily stick to 2D although you'll be limiting yourself a bit)

    Like anything these days you're going to find yourself lost for a moment if you're just getting started in any application... but you'll have a head-start if you know photoshop / illustrator etc.

    We are always going to have to learn / keep-up with the tech in our field if we wish to continue to work in our field... do what you can to shed your fears of coding / understanding difficult or tedious concepts pertaining to the tech involved in production. If you think of this stuff merely as another 'hammer' in your toolkit you'll find yourself craving these challenges rather than running from them.

    You're not dumb, benny!! By the sound of things you're in a position to kind of pick and choose... don't limit yourself. <3

    • thanks m8Bennn
    • "Animation isn't going anywhere..." what makes you say that?vivid
    • look around you, vivid... pretty much everything bleeps and bloops visually these days... billboards, smart phones, kiosks... there are screens everywhere.PonyBoy

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