Politically Correct OTD

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • georgesIII0

    I told everyone years ago, anyone that wanted to hear it or not that SJWs will be the end of us, I was treated like a pariah and some even went as far as to tell me that I hated women, because of my criticism of the feminist movement,

    but G, "it's only on internet, none of it is real life",
    look at misou, look at black live matters, look at college unions, look at rape laws, look at safe zone, look at book burnings, look at interrupting and outright banning those whom you disagree with,

    everyone is offended now, everyone is getting angry at movements that pretend to speak in their name, everyone is anti anti anti [meta] something,

    so who gets to be the judge?? >> the most vocal movements gets to be the judge of what is acceptable

    • So maybe it's not just internet but the hashtags you're referring to seem only to apply to 'murica as so far to me.isleptwithsirenstonight
    • +1 last sentencedrgs
    • They're only the most vocal now that most Norms are oblivious to the SJWs high pitched squealing. There won't be enough traction for this to to mainstream.detritus
    • It might not be mainstream but it's exposed here and that's fun. #bring #back #the # funisleptwithsirenstonight
    • ^^ @det -- that's what they said about national socialists in germany in the 30sGnash
    • Not really - most people will actually resent and loathe SJWs when they, if they even realise it, have met one. Now they just view them as asocial nerds.detritus
    • Right now though, they barely even register on the radar of most folks. You forget that we here are generally at least 3/5 internet :)detritus
    • LOL at thte national socialists comparison. QBN for the win.isleptwithsirenstonight
    • ( thought you'd like that one :)Gnash
    • Mer il et fou!isleptwithsirenstonight
    • https://en.wikipedia…nb
    • ^ what does it has to do with the subject matter? did you just pick anything on wikipedia..georgesIII
    • What about the people who say political correctness is preventing us from seeing that Islam is an evil religion that is taking over Western society?yuekit
    • Do you agree with them, or is it only the feminist and social liberals that you are concerned about?yuekit
    • ^ http://www.merriam-w…yurimon
    • what a terrible arguement yuekit, which once proves you really don't know what you're talking about, if group of people is doing stupid shit and I disagree withgeorgesIII
    • the stupid shit they do, because it can affect all of us greatly, it doesn't mean I agree with them, but believe it or not I'm totally ok with them saying whatgeorgesIII
    • they want to say because they have the fuckn right to do it, now only dumb people can say a religion practiced by billions of people resulting in fewer deathgeorgesIII
    • than the so called west democratic plans for those same countries is evil, but they do have the right to say it, and I will defend their right to say it,georgesIII
    • unlike you I do not feel oppressed by words, I get oppressed by actions, if x, ,y, z is commiting such actions what is so bad about pointing it out, I'm againstgeorgesIII
    • P.C. culture, why would I be against those trying to express their point of view freely, just because I disagree with them, what a retarded view point ukitgeorgesIII
    • Right because anti-immigrant and anti-Islam views can never affect policy right? The point is that everyone has an issue or two where they can be accused ofyuekit
    • being "politically correct" or "social justice warrior" for that matter:), it all depends on your perspective and life experience.yuekit
    • Doesn't mean I agree with the Black Lives Matter or feminists 100%, but the least you can do is try to understand someone else's viewpoint instead of buyingyuekit
    • into ridiculous over the top view like "political correctness will be the end of society." If nothing else it should at least give you some pause that a largeyuekit
    • number of people who share your views on the feminist and BLM issue, are also the first to fear monger about Muslims and support U.S. foreign policy.yuekit

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