
Out of context: Reply #506

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  • GeorgesII-3

    hey, the patriarchy isn't allowing us to performs well as man in our entry exams.
    normal world: work harder
    feminist utopia: let's ban exams

    wtf is going on

    "As Naomi Wolf recently reminded us, young women consistently receive fewer first-class degrees than men at Oxford University, where I work, even when marking is blind. Meanwhile, Russell Group universities consistently admit a very low proportion of working-class and BME students. There are concerns that the kind of assertive declarations that win middle-class white men firsts also gain them preferment at Oxbridge interviews. There’s an inequality crisis in university admissions and assessment.

    What’s to be done? We could spend the next decade, as we have the last, researching and debating this – or we could simply abolish university assessment and entry requirements."


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