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Out of context: Reply #2183

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  • GeorgesII-6

    I'm not even joking

    "Tapper told the court he picked the girl up from a public library to have sex, and repeatedly questioned her about her age when he saw she was wearing a school uniform.

    The girl told Tapper, who served in the force for 17 years, that she was 19-years-old but still went to school.

    Judge Patrick O'Neal said that although Tapper asked the girl about her age, he never requested to see identification."

    "A former Perth school teacher who had sex with a 14-year-old boy is otherwise of "impeccable character" and not a predator, a judge says.

    The 37-year-old woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty in June last year to three counts of engaging in sexual behaviour with the teenager.

    She cried in the dock on Thursday as she was given a 21-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. ...Judge Audrey Braddock said the woman was extremely remorseful and other than the isolated incident she was of impeccable character."

    • "The woman was lonely and vulnerable at the time of the offence"...well, ok thenSteveZissou
    • The boy was "bold and a willing participant", yeah, that'd be victim-blaming in the reverse scenario...SteveZissou
    • lol, when this kind of post get downvoted, it makes me happy, shows that some people here I guided more by their emotions then common sense..GeorgesII

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