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Out of context: Reply #25

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  • ernexbcn0

    I'm more worried about the foreskin-eating alien even though I'm not circumcised.…

    • no worries. I know you are a joke.yurimon
    • There you go again insulting people because they don't take your ideas seriously. This is why everyone gets so pissed at you. Just don't do that. Please.monospaced
    • outrageous claims require outrageous proof, I can record a YouTube video about my research of the foreskin monster with documented sourcesernexbcn
    • and I'd love to see you debunking my theories, unless you can't prove the alien exists and its being fed penis skin I have the right to call you a joke?ernexbcn
    • im not putting you down cause of that.yurimon
    • you know how it is. its subject you dont like. you havent even heard the content of the video. you cant claimed you are not biased. this no different thenyurimon
    • ignorance. plain n simple. if you dissected it and were able to rebuke something then you have debate or conversation. but its a joke what you are doing.yurimon
    • The joke is that you continue to bring this shit into QBN and flip out when nobody wants to debate it with you. We really aren't your audience.monospaced
    • And when people poke fun at you and the subject you shouldn't start insulting them and assuming they're inferior. They're just not interested.monospaced
    • It's not a matter of ignorance as it is annoyance that you are relentless with this and this isn't a good place for it.monospaced
    • I dont think so. I react but not insulted as you think. I just under estimate how ungraceful some people are. good day sir.yurimon
    • and yes its a matter of ignore- anceyurimon
    • If you haven't noticed I'm trying to be extremely diplomatic about this. I'm. It engaging the topic, I'm trying to save you the hassle of arguing.monospaced
    • I'm not engaging the topic.monospaced
    • Just try not to insult people and condescend and you'll be a lot better off here okay? This has nothing to do with the conspiracy theory.monospaced
    • nothing to be about. no one asking you to post about it.yurimon
    • let me see. I dont know what this is about cause i havent watched but dont bring it here. lol. gold.. just gold.yurimon
    • and tell me how it isnt ignorance if its a good message and you ignore it...yurimon
    • ignore ance.yurimon
    • post on topic please. its no different then anyone else posting. less important topics get talked about more then usually deserves anyway.yurimon
    • Holy shit you are one stubborn bitch. I tried to be nice and help and you just relentlessly keep in. Fuckin deserve it now.monospaced
    • 1 hasnt seen topic video.
      2 claims its something its not cause hasnt seen it.
      3 posts about how it doesnt belong still not seen it
      4 tries to be nice about it
    • comparing to what people post. its fine. you havent seen it. its no different the art bell thread but provocative title, you little discriminatory bitch. :)yurimon
    • i dont know what you mean by deserve it?yurimon
    • whether I've seen it or not is irrelevant... yo can't just go around calling people ignorant, discriminatory, sheep because you THINK they don't understandmonospaced
    • What you deserve is the ridicule, not only because of your off topics, but because you are an absolute condescending cunt when people don't want to engage.monospaced
    • If you havent seen and start posting like you know what is and not addressing the merits or debunk, then yes. something is wrong with you.yurimon
    • this is not conspiracy broh. you fackd upyurimon
    • Once again you imply that there's something wrong with people who don't watch the vids or care about them. This is you being a jerk. That's the plain truth.monospaced

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