2 Rules for Success

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    Success in what? Work?

    Why is being successful only directed to work?

    What if you're successful in keeping your body healthy and super fit? What if you're successful in being a great parent? Just because you're successful in the workplace, doesn't mean you're a happy person.

    Like I said a few posts up, being "successful" should apply to your entire life, and you're the only one who should judge yourself as to whether you're successful or not.

    I've seen miserable rich people, and happy poor people. To me, success lies in the happiness scale more than anything else, not in promotions or raises.

    Maybe this thread should've been titled "2 rules for success at work". I have a broad view of what that word means.

    • I think so far everyone's answer has been up to individual's interpretation.pango
    • although majority about work.pango
    • Yeah, you're right.iCanHazQBN

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