Universal Social Icon

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    Can you explain why this is needed?

    It's an icon for social media profiles, not sharing, I get that.

    We have icons for all the social media sites. Are you suggesting one clickable icon that takes you to another page that lists all the company's social media sites? Isn't that kind of tedious? Isn't it just faster to have the 3-4 social media icons all together?

    I'm not sure what function it would serve.

    • A 'Share this' style icon and function for a 'Follow me'. Either as a slide out/popup on rollover. Both are pointless.monoboy
    • I've explained probably five times now. If you still don't get it there's no hope for you.set
    • No hope for me. Hear that, guys? No hope.iCanHazQBN

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