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Out of context: Reply #43

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  • GM2780

    I rescued my pitbull, Hank, off the highway after some assholes had used him as a bait dog and decided to toss him. He was severely starved and had deep bite marks all over him. My vet said he was willing to try to save him but it wouldn't be cheap. (He also mentioned there would be no shame in putting the dog down as he was really in horrible shape). After multiple surgeries, the bill came to $8K.

    Flash forward 13 years to this past October. Hank had been having trouble getting up the stairs (I'd carry him up to my apt.) and became a bit cranky at times. (I'm putting it mildly). My vet examined him and said the reason was not muscular, as I'd thought, but a kind of dementia that senior dogs can experience. He said while there was no treatment for this, I could give him meds that would keep him pretty sedated.

    I ended up making the hard decision to put him down that day. (I knew in my heart that if I took Hank home from the vet, I'd selfishly never bring him back.) He was and is my best friend and as his caretaker, I owed it to him to do what was best for him....not what was best for my emotional needs.

    So to answer @mantrakid's initial question of how much I'd spend to extend his need to ask yourself who you are doing it for? You or the dog. Hank had 13 amazing years with me. He slept in the bed, ate a raw food diet and was spoiled rotten. What he gave me in return was priceless. All he asked was for me to make those hard decisions that every pet owner needs to make at some point. I miss him more than I can express and I'm still haunted by that day but I know I did the right thing.

    Sorry for the long post, guys.

    • aww man, you did so right by him, what a thing to of done! cherish the memories... :(cruddlebub
    • sorry to hear brother, yeah its toughmoldero
    • thanks guys. I'm still not 100% and I feel like I'm missing half of me. But I know he had an amazing life.GM278

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