OS X Yosemite Beta

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • BuddhaHat0

    Review from the App Store:

    After weeping uncontrollably in front of my fresh yet somehow familiar Macintosh computer, my daughter entered the room with her Barbies and inquired of me the explanation for this unmitigated display of emotion. I turned to her, shaking, tears streaming from my eyes; I could barely see her through the watery haze. I reached out for her, hardly able to utter coherent words; short gasps for air were the only noise emanating from my oral orifice as I pulled my daughter in close for a tight, loving embrace. Finally, at long last, the greatest Macintosh update ever conceived by mankind had been created, and it was released to the public absolutely free. My mind raced with bewilderment as I wondered how on earth the magnanimous Apple could pay their dear employees for their groundbreaking work on this magnificent update, if it was entirely free. Where was the catch? Surely this gift was too lofty for me to claim; I knew I did not deserve this beautiful blessing, yet the god-like masters of love and generosity at Apple had deemed it right to bequeath this gift unto me. Holding my daughter close, I peered up at my ceiling, staring past it into the sky, a vision of angels bearing the Apple emblem gathering before me. Through a burst of snot and tears, I cried with all of my internal being: “YOSEMITE ELEVATES THE EXPERIENCE OF USING A MAC, WHILE MAINTAINING THE POWER AND SIPMLICITY I KNOW AND LOVE.”

    I'm downloading it now.

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