Learning Photography

Out of context: Reply #145

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  • Projectile0

    For best results on handheld low light, low blur portraits, what is best?

    To use a 50mm 1.4f and stand back? (zooming in = more shake)

    To use a 17mm 2.8f and get close, reducing shake but less light coming in?

    (half frame sensor, so 17mm isn't a fisheye)

    • the 50mm — lean against a wall and tuck in your elbows.ok_not_ok
    • don't use a 17mm for portraits unless you really want that distortion. even a 50 would be too wide (unless it's on a crop sensor)jaylarson
    • Use the 50mm at f1.4, so you can get a faster shutter speed. That will prevent camera shake & motion blur from the subject's movements.nb
    • movements. If you need a faster shutter speed, increase the ISO. It'll be fine, as long as you don't mind the shallow DOF of f1.4nb
    • don't be afraid of high ISO, like 3200, you can tweek grain in post, but you can't fix blur muchvaxorcist

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