Monthly Eating Expenses

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • moldero0

    Groceries for me and my family is around $4000 pesos / month (approx $300 us) and we eat a lot. we don't buy sodas or any sugary crap or processed shit. all meals are home made and from scratch. back in the US I spent about $1000 / month on groceries just for me alone.

    Stateside the real food seems more expensive than the processed stuff, where I'm at here in Mexico its the opposite, the fake sugary shit costs way more ex: a SMALL single serving bucket of ben and jerries ice cream is like $11 us. and most fruits and vegetables in Mexico (where im at and shop anyway) are what would be sold stateside as "organic", for $5 us, i get more fruits and vegetables than i can carry.

    my only gripe is lack of variety down here.

    • $1000 for one person is insane. That's like for a family of four.iCanHazQBN
    • 1k is about right if you add some junk here and there. he's probably better with math than you iCan.pr2
    • Pesos, silly.omahadesigns
    • $1k a month US it was. i eat real food like fresh salmon and quality meats from quality butcher shopsmoldero

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