
Out of context: Reply #324

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  • odobo0

    ummm ... reading this thread and it gets tired really quickly ... macs are macs and pc's are pc's - different machines for different jobs - get a mac to design any day of the week - the experience is better, more intuitive when your navigating the desktop it just feels a better machine and it always has - from the days when you can only get fonts for the mac and pc's had a green blinking cursor ... to today when it still has the edge for design work and visual creation

    Pc's get them to crunch numbers any day of the week - you want 3d get a pc - you want video get a pc - you want to shift heavy data get a pc - but please get your head out your arse if you think thats gonna happen on a "value for money machine" - it gonna cost you more than any mac out there to do what you need -

    so If you want to make a letter or a spread sheet - then get what you want - a tablet, a fucking phone the size of a newspaper, a surface pro, an ipad, an imac, a mac air, a powerbook, an asus, a HP two piece - it actually makes no difference the experience is pretty much the same - it comes to down to price - to habit - even down to comfort - or that you want to look like a hipster at the cafe ... but word is word - chrome is chrome - excel is excel and numbers is numbers - they all open each others files without screwing up and if not just go open source and take the high ground on everyone - (btw you look a dick doing that and ramming it down our throats like you're in some way superior by using software that gets updated by lots of people has an hourly update and then generally fucks up and loses lots of data and important shit - personally experienced lots and lots of times)

    but realistically anything cheap doesnt run the hardcore apps on either platform mac or pc - so 3d, image manipulation, video, they just don't cut it in terms of performance on something that costs you sub $500

    hd screen - touch screen - all these things all improvements but do they make your day any better? or your work quicker - get me a mouse or a pro tablet and i'll kick your ass on any computer - its not technology that makes things quick - its fucking practice - years and years of practice - i have no desire to create with a touchscreen - because after two minutes the screen is covered in your finger grease - (look at your phone right now - see ... ) how does that help your creative process ... in any application ...

    As to whether we store files in a cd, dvd, hardrive, usb or the cloud ... they all fail ... they all fuck up - everything i have ever stored any files on has lost me data - and to say the cloud is safe - lets just hope your $5 a month unlimited storage is still there in 5 years when your entire life is stored there ... realise they are a business like any other - and if they go out of business - who's paying to keep the servers running ... just a thought ...

    rant over ... but based on using both platforms for work and pleasure since way back in the late 80's (that's called experience by the way ... )

    Love you all xxx

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