Out of context: Reply #16

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  • capn_ron0

    Couple options:

    Option #1
    We do a 1-on-1 trade with our collages. This can work by completing a collage and sending it to your other qbner, or we can do something where you start a collage, send it to the person we pair you with and they add to it and send it back.

    Option #2
    We can group up into 4 people and everyone starts a collage then sends it on for the next person to add to it. This happens till each person in the group has added to it and then it goes back to the original person who started it. 4 collages would be rotating in each group or 4 people.

    Or let me know how you think this could work better.

    • I'm still unclear if this is digital or physical.DRIFTMONKEY
    • physical. paper and glue and pens and such. magazine clippings, wallpaper, fabric,capn_ron
    • I guess you could print things to add.capn_ron
    • i feel no computers is the way to go. just my 2 centscbass99

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