Google Drive v Dropbox

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  • nb0

    You can probably access the files without syncing. You likely just have to delete the GDrive app from your computer and access the account via the browser.

    I do it with dropbox in order to have two dropbox accounts running. One is my personal dropbox that I use for most things and is a folder on my computer, the other is a paid dropbox account that a bunch of friends share for stuff. The 2nd dropbox account is too big for my HD, so I just login via the website and grab stuff as I need it.

    As for Google Drive, I'd say you can probably do this, too. But, I'd suggest that you buy yourself a 1TB external drive (less than $100) and use that to store your files. Then, sync the external drive to your Google Drive. Then you have a local copy and the gdrive copy. Safer and easier to deal with, plus the uploads MIGHT be faster through the app than through the web.

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