Flash is back?

Out of context: Reply #106

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    Almost all of the sites we created were Flash, even the simple ones. It was fast, worked well on all browsers, had butter smooth transitions and we weren't limited.

    So yeah, small market compared to the overall web, but that's the market I care about :-)

    Almost all of our clients asked for Flash sites, specifically. Now most things are just WordPress templates as most people have just given up on anything really creative (unless you have massive budgets).

    So it killed the little guy creative, more or less.

    • Yup been using flash alot for interactive presentations, HR, and edu.74LEO
    • Again, the only people that miss flash are those who design and develop with it.hereswhatidid
    • and the clients that want itformed
    • Haven't had a client ask for an all flash web site in ages. Long before the ios issues started up.hereswhatidid

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