Duck Dynasty fake

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • uuuuuu0

    "The costumes are for show, the beards and bandanas are for show – and more than likely, even the recent “scandals” are for show. We have recently learned that A&E will keep Phil Robertson even after previously announcing he would be kicked off the show for breach of contract, due to racist and homophobic comments. In all likelihood, the scandals were part of a well-orchestrated hoax to get even more ratings, even more attention, and ultimately, even more money for this already filthy-rich family.

    Remember, that while this fake scandal was front page news, the NDAA was passed without a peep from the mainstream media. The bill which is infamous for its language regarding “disappearing” U.S. citizens and indefinite detention was passed via “Fast-Tracking” while a huge number of Americans were distracted by the Phil Robertson “scandal.” Let’s stop giving this Schmuck Dynasty the attention and money that they so obviously don’t deserve."

    Just entertainment right so nothing to see here. Pretty dubious stuff "entertainment" is used for.

    • Maybe Obama started the scandal to distract people? DD is NSA???freedom
    • Don't they do this every time they want to pass some crazy bill? sure seems like it.sea_sea
    • somehow race or religion always gets thrown into it. then people get crazy, aka distracted.sea_sea

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