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Out of context: Reply #1263

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    Unclear Future for Executions After Ohio's Longest…

    A gasping, snorting Dennis McGuire took 26 minutes to die after the chemicals began flowing Thursday — the longest execution of the 53 carried out in Ohio since capital punishment resumed 15 years ago, according to an Associated Press analysis.



    | personal observation |

    "McGuire's adult children said it amounted to torture, with the convicted killer's son, also named Dennis, saying: "Nobody deserves to go through that.""

    again, they stated ... "Nobody deserves to go through that."

    well... about that kids...

    Quote from Time article:

    "McGuire ... was sentenced to death for the 1989 rape and murder of Joy Stewart"

    See kids, the thing is... daddy died a horrible death because Joy didn't deserve that... at all.

    Now bring out the next death row inmate to test a new concoction on.

    • 26 minutes. Not long enough.set
    • A Missouri State representative is proposing we bring back firing squads.ZOOP
    • Shouldn't we be better than criminals? I don't trust the government to put people to death fairly.ukit2
    • As this article shows, they can't even get the chemical dosage right.ukit2
    • If you did something bad enough to deserve the death penalty, fuck off, I don;t give a shit how you die.dbloc
    • my problem is the innocent people unjustly convicted, happened to 5 african-americans in one dayZOOP
    • they all got the electric chair, one after another, destroyed a hard working family :/ZOOP
    • http://www.thestate.…ZOOP

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